
Our year in numbers...

number of...

Job changes - 3

Flights - 6

Doctor's Appointments - 20

ER trips - 4

Days spent in the hospital - 6

Stomach viruses - 5

Friends diagnosed with cancer - 3

Friends miraculously healed from cancer - 1

Diapers changed - 1,000

Bottles mixed - 1,440

Songs sung - 650+

Rooms decorated - 5

Funerals - 5

Seasons of The Office watched - 5.5

Dogs given away - 1

Evenings spent with friends at Applebee's for 1/2 price appetizers - 15

Number of books read - 5

Trips up the stairs - 7,300

Nights away from Elijah- 7

Diaper explosions- too many to count

Date nights without Elijah - 2

Nicknames given to Elijah - 13

Car rides to Sioux Falls - 40

Hours spent at church - 2,600

Christmas cards received - 28

Cars lost - 1

Lives (that we know of) given to Jesus - 300+

Days we thought about and missed our family and friends back home - 365


Sara said...

very fun stats. Happy New Year!

Wendy B said...

Awww! What a great post, Manda. Love you and miss you SOOOOOOO much!