

Today you are two. The past two years have been filled with so much adventure! Every day you learn something new!

Two years ago today mommy had you in the hospital. We were so proud to call you our very own. You came out screaming and didn't stop until you heard your daddy's voice. You also grabbed your little hand around his finger which made him very happy. We fell in love with you right away.

(3 months)

(6 months)

Since then we have fallen deeper in love each and every day. As a baby you were so much fun. You never drank much milk and did not sleep through the night until you were one. But we would do it all again to have you in our lives.

(9 months)

(one year)

Now you are a BIG brother! It is such a joy to watch you try to quiet your sissy when she cries. You always want to pick her up and give her lots of kisses. I know the two of you will be best friends (at least until your teenage years). :)

Right now you are learning new words every day and even have a few two and three word phrases. You still love to dance. Your favorite movie at the moment is "Finding Nemo." You still need to have your paci and blanket when you sleep. You love cars. Sitting in cars, playing with cars, pretending your food is a car, riding on tractors (that you call cars). You are sleeping at least 12 hours a night and take about a two hour nap. Mommy loves that!! Your favorite foods are cheese, carrots, cereal (any kind), pizza, spaghetti, and most fruits. You are still our little man, wearing mostly size 12 pants and 12 to 18 month shirts. Your appetite has been picking up lately so we think you might be beginning a growth spurt.

Happy Birthday Elijah. Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!

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